Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Covered Cookbooks

I was at the dentist with Nick today and saw an idea in a magazine that I liked: a set of books covered to  look like a set (even though they were different titles). Expensive, too: over $100 for five or so books. I'll hit the library for my classic novels, thank you very much.
But it got me thinking of the mess of recipes and cookbooks* I have. So, I got out some good-quality wrapping paper I'd bought a long time ago. It's a little heavier than what you'd usually buy and actually came in a kind of 'book.'
*Okay, I really don't have  a mess of cookbooks. I have three since I give them away. I don't buy them often because I don't see the point of paying $15 or more for something that's going to give me 4 recipes I like. So here are the three, nicely wrapped like pretty schoolbooks. If I can find more of my fancy paper, I'll make a binder to match for all the loose recipes:

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