I met a good friend of mine for lunch today. The restaurant is right next door to Michael's, so we always go there after we eat. I picked up some new sock yarn, mostly because it was on clearance. It might be a while before I use it, though. I'm finishing up my latest pair and would like to work on finishing a few other projects before I start something new. With that in mind I bought myself some of those big-eyed plastic needles. I'm always losing them for some reason! I have a few things I can finish now that I have the means of sewing in the yarn. One is a cute seal pup I started forever ago and the other is a little whale. Pictures soon, I promise! And links, if I still have them.
My other shopping news (a little bragging here) is that today I got $64.11 in groceries for $28.99. Total savings: $35.12! Yep, better than 50%. I love being 'creative' with sales and coupons. My best deal today was my coffee creamer. It's usually 2.99, but after double coupons and sales I got it for 40 cents! (So I bought 4 of them--I go through one a week, I'd say.)
Not only that, but you know that machine that spits out coupons at the register? Someone left a '$2 off your next shopping order' one behind. So I got another $2 off. Cool, huh?
Even though this is pretty much a crafting blog, I feel that we need to be 'creative' with our money in this day and age. So...has anyone seen that show on TLC, "Extreme Couponers"? I'm a little stunned and have asked when stockpiling becomes hoarding. Does anyone really need a ten year supply of toothpaste?????