Bunnies on parade! (Or they're off looking for girl bunnies!)
I have them clipped on a lampshade here. They are so easy to make. The faces are done with permanent marker (luckily, I happened to have pink as well as black!) and the ears are cut from felt. I just used pink marker to color them although if you want to work with impossibly tiny pieces of felt you can certainly cut pink felt inner ears. The tails are very, very small puff balls.
Obviously, the arms are pipe cleaners.
I might add a little embellishment to these, like bow ties or belts.
There are instructions for clothespin bunnies all over the net, but I don't think you need any. Just paint some clothespins white (or keep them brown. Bunnies, after all, come in brown, too.) Then paint the lower half to make 'pants' and add your embellishments.
Came back to edit: Pom Poms! Not puff balls! I couldn't remember what they were called!
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