Saturday, April 19, 2014

Coloring Eggs

Katherine and I had fun coloring about 3 dozen eggs last night!

But, we never seem to be able to get the 'hang' of the color purple! This year we used gel food color and tried to mix the blue and red in different combos. We didn't like any of them, so I dumped them all in one container and we got this:

It's a very dark gray color, almost like a stone! (I think it's actually pretty cool, but I'd still like to have some purple eggs next year!)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easter Magnet

A pattern for the Peep bunny is over at, but you could pretty much freehand it. Mine has just a little stuffing inside and a magnet on the back.

The round one features a little yo-yo and a bird glittered in pink and blue. 

Either one could work as a pin, as well! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Easter Chicks

Here is my version of a cute chicks-in-eggs crochet project I found on Pinterest:

It was very easy to do and a fun project to work on in front of the TV. I just plan to get a better egg carton for it. This one was an 18-egger and I cut it in half when I should have allowed for the dozen chicks I made!

My beaks are different from the original. All the eggs have tops and bottoms, but since the chicks have hatched, the half shells are behind them, out of the picture.

Link to the original pattern below:

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Easter Ornament

The original link is over on Pinterest (on my Pinterest page, it's under "Easter") but it's pretty easy to figure out. You need two solid eggs cut from felt and one felt egg with a 'window. 
Decorate one of the solid eggs any way you like. I was careful only to glue the ends of the ribbon so the glue wouldn't show through.
Sandwich the decorated layer between the window and the solid layer, then sew all three together. I used embroidery floss and did it by hand, although a machine stitch would work nicely. Sew all around, leaving room to stuff. Then finish sewing and attach a ribbon to hang. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Peep Stuffie

Here is a big "Peep" bunny I crocheted. He's from Crochet Today magazine and he's very quick and easy to do. I cheated a bit and just glued on felt eyes and nose, since this isn't going to a little kid.
Now, if only someone would come up with a pattern for a Peep chick!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Chasing rainbows, not yarn

I had bought some rainbow-colored strips (I think they call it a jelly roll) from Etsy. Wasn't sure what to do with them, until I spotted a big oatmeal container in my hall closet. I keep coffee cans, protein powder jars and the like for possible future use. In this case, the oatmeal can became a yarn holder. It will be a nice way to crochet or knit without yarn rolling all over the living room.

I simply sewed the strips together, then cut off a section to fit around the can. I sewed it into a tube. Then, using various sizes of screwdrivers and pencils, I poked a hole in the top for the yarn to come out. 

I had some of the 'fabric' left over so I cut and sewed up a pillow for next St. Patrick's Day (did not stuff it yet) plus there is a smaller piece that might end up in a piece of doll clothing.