Thursday, July 11, 2013

skirt template

I was lucky enough to find a brand new (wrapped) cutting board last week at our local Salvation Army thrift store for only $3! (Half price day!) So I was going to throw out the old one. Then I decided to use it to make some templates. The one below is for a skirt for me. The old cutting board has curved lines drawn on it, so I just divided my waist by four and cut out a quarter circle, including seam allowance. Now all I have to do is trace around this two times, with the straight side on the fold, and I can make an easy skirt!

If anyone out there is still following me, or reading this, please ignore how dirty the cutting board is! It's very old!

Best part about this? It folds up and I can just tuck it out of the way!


  1. Hi! This is Diane from the and I LOVE your blogs and will follow! I looked you up because you left the nicest comment on the 10 baby bibs I finished yesterday. I loved the comment and tried to reply to it that we must be the same age as I am making these for several grand nieces and nephews too....but I tried to do it on my i-phone and somehow it deleted your lovely comment. I am so sorry and feel like a dirt ball now. So I am calling to ask you to please comment again any time. I live to read the comments. Thanks. Diane

  2. Clare, a clean, neat and organized sewing area is so sad; it means nothing is being created! You saw my spot.......I do need to get it cleaned out again, though; once my "forced recovery" is over and I can sit and sew again I need to do a lot of thing before the move! I love that at your worst, you look organized and wow! Look at the amazing stuff you make!!! You seriously are one of the most talented ladies I know......and you are GOOD at everything you do, too!!
