Here are some pictures of my cleaned up and reorganized crafts closet. Sorry there are no 'before' shots, but you've seen enough messy closets. Suffice to say it was a jumbled 'hot mess.'
I would love to have one of those fancy-schmancy closet organizing systems, but can't afford that. I gave it some thought and remembered the milk crates we had just sitting around the garage. As you can see, I combined them with some smaller crates and made 'shelves.' I wanted my things to be only 'one deep' so there will be no digging to find this or that.
Sorry there is no full-length shot. There was no way to get the whole closet in at any angle.
It was my husband's idea to use the soft shelves my daughter left behind when she moved out. As you can see, they hold my fabric.
I love cute storage items and sometimes buy things 'on a whim' just because I like them. The green and red polka dot box held stationary, I think. Now it holds my mini-iron. See the pink mini picnic basket? It was brown at first but I spray-painted it. It has gone through several uses but I finally discovered it is the exact perfect size for my label maker!
The green box with the handle has cardboard things like leftover tubes from the stickers we hand out at work. If you can read it, yes, it does say 'sausage' on top. I used it previously to hold pork in my downstairs freezer.
The wine box came from a fellow blogger a few years ago. Now it holds empty thread spools, including some very old wooden ones.
BTW, speaking of old and wood, I have a boatload of old-fashioned clothespins. You know, the wooden kind that look like people? If you want a handful to play with, just ask. All I want in return is my postage.